Instal the last version for mac Araxis Merge Professional 2023.5916
Instal the last version for mac Araxis Merge Professional 2023.5916

(Rather than scaling the line-ending characters, it is generally preferable to use a font with clearer CR and LF glyphs. This is useful for enlarging line-ending characters when the configured font has very small CR and LF glyphs. A new LineEndingScale Windows Registry setting under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Araxis\Merge\7.1 defines the percentage scaling (relative to the size of the font for unchanged text) at which line-ending CR and LF characters are drawn.WhitespaceOpacity defaults to 96, and LineEndingOpacity to 255. Both properties take values in the range 0– 255, where 0 is fully transparent and 255 fully opaque. These settings can be used to adjust the prominence of those characters relative to normal text. New WhitespaceOpacity and LineEndingOpacity Windows Registry settings under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Araxis\Merge\7.1 define the opacity of whitespace and line-ending characters (if they are shown).Character and Word line-wrapping options are now available as quick-access commands.When unchecked, Merge will endeavour to preserve the current scroll position when reloading files. The File Comparisons page has a new Automatically show the first change when reloading files option.

instal the last version for mac Araxis Merge Professional 2023.5916

The following platforms are also supported and expected to work, but not routinely tested:

instal the last version for mac Araxis Merge Professional 2023.5916

This release is tested and supported on 64-bit Intel versions of the following platforms: Please contact Araxis if the removal of any of these features would inconvenience you. This release is free-of-charge to all customers with upgrade/support entitlement covering the build date indicated in the download box below, including everyone who purchased Merge within the year prior to that date.Īraxis is considering the removal of the following little-used features in a future release of Merge: text comparisons for patching, the FTP file system plugin, and the Perforce file system plugin (but not general integration with Perforce unrelated to the file-system plugin, which will be retained). This is the current production-quality release and is recommended for all users. Please read the release notes for a complete list of changes. This release includes various quality-of-life enhancements and fixes. Need to download an older version of Merge not available below? Please contact us.

instal the last version for mac Araxis Merge Professional 2023.5916

Release Notes & System Requirements (Windows)

Instal the last version for mac Araxis Merge Professional 2023.5916